White paper: How do you influence fintech buyers?
Too many vendors are marketing “blind”. What’s missing is quantitative data on how decision makers at financial institutions identify and select technology vendors. Understanding buyers’ influences is critical in helping develop marketing and communications programmes that ultimately help vendors to sell.
B2B technology PR consultancy CCgroup partnered with MRops to interview senior decision makers from large global financial institutions about what influences their selection of technology vendors at different stages of the purchasing process:
- Longlisting vendors
- Shortlisting a vendor
- Making the final decision
50% of respondents were from companies employing at least 25,000 people, and 34% of those interviewed were a Board Member, President or a C-level executive.
The findings will help ensure that sales and marketing executives are better able to:
- Align marketing plans with how the buying audience is influenced
- Tailor content production for different stages of buying process
- Deliver communications that financial institutions want but don’t yet receive
- Develop more effective B2B FinTech PR and marketing programmes
Click here to read the full report.