Daily News at Sibos Photo Tuesday 30 Sept 2014
- Do not adjust your set, this is what innovation looks like after four glasses of champers in the press room…. we’re old school
- All set for Sibos Geneva… two years early (or possibly 12 years too late)
- At last, someone with a fully formed, three dimensional personality
- Initially guests at Tina and Simon’s wedding were disappointed the couple had double booked the BCEC… but they soon came to enjoy the Sibos experience
- Since relinquishing control of Microsoft, Gates has decided to live a little… And there’s no Jobs to laugh at the Windows car
- Perhaps it’s for watering down the conversation they are meant to be shaping?
- All set for Sibos Geneva… two years early (or possibly 12 years too late)
- “Mum, stop texting me at work”
- “Mum, stop texting me at work”
- “Mum, why haven’t you texted me?”
- The NSA are never far away
- Call IT – my laptop has crabs
- R2-D2 and C3PO have really let themelves go
- What time is it? No idea mum….
- Driving innovation – the innovation being there’s no steering wheel. Or seat. Or car.
- Can you hold my ball for me?
- Day one and the Churchillian black donkey of despair makes an early showing
- I preferred the old-look Tardis and Doctor myself….
- One day into Sibos: you need a rest
- What about on Thursday?
- No longer, it seems, stuffed with other people’s money
- One day all of you will be theirs
- Oooo that looks disruptive. What is it?