ABN Amro launches Snapchat
ABN AMRO is offering ‘webcare’ via Snapchat, the self-deleting message and picture service, which has 1 million Dutch users.
Jeroen van de Ven, ABN AMRO Social Media Manager: ‘If a specific target audience opts for a new channel in such large numbers, we as a bank have to adapt, in an accessible way that fits the channel and appeals to the target audience.’
From 6 January ABN AMRO can be contacted over Snapchat. Users can ask the bank questions – which Van de Ven says is the fundamental reason for the bank to be present on the new channel. The app is also intended to be used to share information for students around making their lives easier or to help them save money. Tips can be financial in nature, but not all of them are. The bank reports that its primary goal is to ensure the target audience appreciates the advice and gets some real use out of it.
The bank reports research that shows that student customers want their bank to be up to speed on the issues and topics that are relevant to a student’s daily life, and assist them in taking decisions.
Reported by Dan Barnes