Viewpoint: Apple Pay Usage Report
Despite Apple Pay’s high-profile launch and much attention from the payments industry, recent First Annapolis primary consumer research suggests that only one in five iPhone 6 users has actually made a purchase with Apple Pay. This finding—based on a survey of 1,434 smartphone users we conducted in the first half of 2015—suggests that, while there is much energy and excitement surrounding mobile payments, actual consumer adoption and usage still has a long way to go.
Hugh Gallagher is a principal, focusing on mobile/alternative payments, innovation and payments strategy at First Annapolis Consulting. Hugh has more than 25 years of experience in payments and financial services. He can be reached at [email protected]. This article originally appeared in the Fall issue of Pay Magazine, on its way to subscribers now.
In Viewpoints, prepaid and emerging payment professionals share their perspectives on the industry. Paybefore endeavors to present many points of view to offer readers new insights and information. The opinions expressed in Viewpoints are not necessarily those of Paybefore.