Digitalisation Component Framework: an inside-out approach to digital transformation
Hexaware’s Digitalisation Component Framework (DCF) is an inside-out-approach that facilitates the discovery of new areas where automation can be implemented and implants the digitalisation accelerators in the value chain, with an objective to improve efficiencies without having to replace existing systems.
Following are the main objectives of Hexaware’s DCF:
- To create a digital roadmap.
- To create a robust automation framework.
- To have an execution and governance model that will give predictable outcomes.
- To accelerate the go-to-market by leveraging enablers and accelerator solutions.
- To provide a continuous innovation collaborative model.
DCF is built with an objective to provide a methodical yet flexible approach with emphasis on five key ingredients essential for a successful transformation programme – collaborate, strategise, automate, sustain, innovate.
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