About us

FinTech Futures is the leading global provider of independent intelligence and insight for professionals in the fintech sector.

FinTech Futures’ history dates back to 1983, when it was founded as Banking Technology, a London-based print magazine. Since then we have grown to become one of the largest international online and print media houses serving the global banking and fintech industry.

Our broad readership, solid reputation, and 40 years of media expertise, combined with in-depth coverage of fintech happenings and issues across the globe, makes FinTech Futures the premier, trusted intelligence resource for the industry.

We provide daily news, in-depth analysis and expert commentary across a comprehensive range of areas including: FinTech, BankingTech, PayTech, RegTech, WealthTech, LendTech and InsurTech.

All our content is free to access.

A one-stop intelligence source
A one-stop intelligence source: Our industry leading website provides global news, insight and analysis. We also have a free daily newsletter and weekly bulletin so you can always keep up-to-date with new developments.

Expertise and opinion: highly-quality content such as webinars, videos, What the FinTech? podcast, Banking Technology Magazine, white papers and reports provide useful insights, trending topics and discussions and debate from industry leaders.

We also have a range of content hubs, which are dedicated portals of information on topics such as Customer CentricityCore Banking Systems, and Diversity & Inclusion.

Experience: We have been providing timely, in-depth, easy to understand and independent information for over 40 years. With an experienced editorial team, we provide information you can trust.

Audience and reach

Audience and reach: We have an established database of industry professionals with over 100,000 contacts from across the globe and over 100,000 website visitors per month.

Our What the FinTech? podcast receives an impressive 1,000 average listens per episode. Our Banking Technology magazine is distributed to over 50,000 professionals worldwide.

Our newsletters are sent to over 35,000 subscribers globally.

Knowledge sharing and community: We actively encourage collaboration and promote networking to create and share knowledge.

We hold networking events, awards including Banking Tech Awards, Banking Tech Awards USA, PayTech Awards, and PayTech Awards USA.

We attend and partner with key industry events such as Sibos, Money 20/20, Fintech Nexus, Finovate, and many others.

We also have an established following on social media with over 73,000 followers on LinkedIn and 75,000 on Twitter.

Forward-looking and innovative: We are continuously looking for new ways to help our community stay ahead, we seek to equip our readers with the best possible intelligence, tools, expertise and know-how, to help them do their job and make well-informed business decisions.

If you would like to get in contact with the FinTech Futures team, visit our contact us page.

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