
AI is on!

Implementation of first uses cases around real-time contextual added-value banking notifications and offers to make their appearance in 2018.

PostFinance has crack at Swiss jackpot with new chatbot

Sprechen Sie Deutsch? Switzerland’s PostFinance has unveiled a German language virtual assistant on its website – generating automatic replies to customers’ most frequently asked questions. PostFinance, keen to tap into the fintech zeitgeist for artificial intelligence (AI), says it’s the “first Swiss financial institution” to launch such a chatbot. It was developed by the IT […]

Standard Chartered unveils chatty banking chatbot

Standard Chartered plans to deploy a chatbot on its online and mobile banking platforms powered by Kasisto’s conversational artificial intelligence (AI) platform, KAI Banking. The chatbot will act as a virtual personal assistant to help clients manage money, make payments and analyse their spending, via conversations in English and other unnamed languages. The service will […]

Funding Societies interns introduce chatbot Miyu

Funding Societies, a Singapore-based crowdfunding platform, has launched its chatbot Miyu. A first for such a chatbot created by a crowdfunding company in Southeast Asia. Developed by two interns at Funding Societies using bot platforms and, combined with machine learning and natural language processing, Miyu works round the clock to answer queries about […]

RHB and RinggitPlus launch chatbot lending in Malaysia

Malaysia’s RHB Bank Berhad and RinggitPlus – a comparison website for financial products – have introduced “ChatBot’”, the “first” real-time messenger-style platform in Southeast Asia for personal loan applications. Consumers can apply for a loan via ChatBot on RinggitPlus’s website and obtain the results for eligibility via an SMS. The platform auto populates information provided […]