DBS heads to cloud with Amazon Web Services

Singapore-based DBS Bank has signed an agreement with Amazon Web Services (AWS) to use its cloud technology. The bank envisages shifting up to 50% of its computer workload to cloud within a two-year period. With this deal, DBS will create a hybrid cloud environment “optimised” for rapid changes of capacity and functionality, which is “complementary” […]

Corezoid takes digital core process engine to Amazon Web Services cloud

Corezoid, a US-based provider of a Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) solution to banks, has announced that its product can now be delivered on the Amazon Web Services (AWS) cloud. Corezoid’s offering is a process engine for banks to create a digital core. It “allows banks to rethink all of their operations as a set of states and […]

Amazon Web Services outage causes digital banking problems in Australia

A technical outage of the Amazon Web Services (AWS) cloud this weekend left many customers of Australian banks unable to use cards, ATMs and Eftpos terminals. The banks affected include Westpac, ME Bank and Commonwealth Bank of Australia (CBA). Some also pointed the finger of blame at payment providers such as First Data. Just a […]

Cloud – not just the remit of the financial technology start-up

Over the past few years the financial industry has started to reinvent how it operates. Organisations are changing the way they serve their potential and existing customers, while maintaining the high levels of compliance and security that their customers and regulators require. The technologies available today mean that financial services organisations aren’t constrained in the way they once were. They can now access secure and compliant technology, on-demand, in the cloud which is helping them to create new ways to bring value to customers. But not all financial institutions have been able to take advantage of these technologies in the same way as newer entrants to the market have