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White paper: break filter bubbles in banking enterprise fraud management

Synthesise holistic wisdom from core systems and not just from channel silos. From depth of analysis, ease of configuration/implementation and cross-channel fraud detection to insider fraud detection and real-time high availability, a synchronised enterprise fraud risk management approach delivers five compelling advantages over a delivery channel silos only approach.

Money rolls

Our new series of thrillers – produced and directed by CustomerXPs and Banking Technology – narrate the tales of the fight between the forces of good (the Clari5 analytics and anti-fraud software) and the forces of evil. Based on real events and guaranteed to keep you on the edge of your seat!

Inside job

Our new series of thrillers – produced and directed by CustomerXPs and Banking Technology – narrate the tales of the fight between the forces of good (the Clari5 analytics and anti-fraud software) and the forces of evil. Based on real events and guaranteed to keep you on the edge of your seat!

How can RBI’s latest guidelines help Indian banks combat cybercrime?

Rising cybercrime in India is no secret. According to a report by Symantec, India now ranks third in the world, after the US and China, as a source of malicious activity. In fact, the National Crime Records Bureau data reveals that in the three years up to 2013, registered cases of cyber crime were up 350%, from 966 to 4356. Dubious distinctions both, and give banks and the financial sector in India cause for worry.


Our new series of thrillers – produced and directed by CustomerXPs and Banking Technology – narrate the tales of the fight between the forces of good (the Clari5 analytics and anti-fraud software) and the forces of evil. Based on real events and guaranteed to keep you on the edge of your seat!

Mala Fide Intentions

Our new series of thrillers – produced and directed by CustomerXPs and Banking Technology – narrate the tales of the fight between the forces of good (the Clari5 fraud prevention software) and the forces of evil (fraudsters). Based on real events and guaranteed to keep you on the edge of your seat!

CustomerXPs releases real-time intraday liquidity monitoring solution for UAE banks

Banking analytics vendor CustomerXPs has unveiled its new Clari5 Intraday Liquidity Monitoring Solution. This “real-time, packaged and ready-to-deploy” solution aims to help banks in the UAE to comply with BCBS 248 requirements for intraday liquidity risk management, says CustomerXPs. The deadline for compliance with the BCBS 248 regulations is January 2017. CustomerXPs’ offering promises data […]

Interview: Rivi Varghese, CEO of CustomerXPs Software

Banking is going digital and instantaneous, which is great news for customers. But it is also a great headache for banks, as fraud is going that way too – the money can disappear into fraudsters’ virtual pockets with a blink of an eye, anytime, anywhere. At the same time, the real-time capabilities of new solutions […]