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Global Cash Card

ADP Buys Global Cash Card

ADP has acquired Global Cash Card, a pioneer in payroll and contract employee payments. The deal gives ADP a proprietary payments processing platform that, it says, provides value-added services for existing clients and will speed time to market for new clients.

N.Y. DOL Fires Back at Industrial Board of Appeals, Global Cash Card

The New York Department of Labor has fired the latest salvo in the battle over the use of payroll cards in the state. The agency has filed an appeal that could jeopardize the outcome of a petition granted to Global Cash Card to revoke the N.Y. DOL payroll card regulations, which were due to go into effect March 7, 2017. At stake are rules that are considered so burdensome by the prepaid industry that—if restored—could force some payroll card providers out of New York.

N.Y. Grants Global Cash Card Petition against Labor Dept. Paycard Regs

Payroll card providers that operate in New York can breathe a huge sigh of relief. Global Cash Card tells Paybefore that its petition against the New York Department of Labor payroll card regulations due to go into effect on March 7, 2017, has been granted. The industry had been raising red flags about the regulations, which many feared would result in providers exiting the market, since first proposed in 2015.