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Budapest Bank chooses SIA for new payment cards system

Budapest Bank, a payment cards issuer in the Hungarian market, has selected Italian firm SIA to create and implement a new payment cards management system. The agreement covers the migration of the full debit and credit cards portfolio of Budapest Bank to SIA’s card processing technology platform and the integration of the SIA solution to […]

Erste Bank Hungary updates retail payments hub with ACI Worldwide

Erste Bank Hungary is implementing ACI Worldwide’s UP Retail Payments solution, upgrading from the older versions of ACI’s solutions. The bank will also deploy ACI Proactive Risk Manager (a fraud management solution) and ACI Interchange (central monetary transaction manager) to calculate interchange fees. Erste and ACI have been working together since 2003. Tamás Foltányi, COO […]

SIA to connect Hungarian CSD Keler to T2S

SIA, in partnership with Colt, has been awarded the contract to connect Hungarian central securities depository Keler to T2S, the new single European platform for the settlement of transactions in domestic and cross-border securities.