Money20/20 Europe 2019 round-up
Innovation, concerns and cynicism.
Innovation, concerns and cynicism.
Everybody wants customer data, but that’s not always customer-centric.
The quicker we are to innovate and implement new features and tech, the better.
Catch up on FinTech Futures’ top five fintech stories of the week – all in one place!
How financial services can be reimagined by an understanding of human behaviour.
The trends and key issues when the Money20/20 Europe circus rolled into Amsterdam this week.
Fraud fears, GAFA and other odds and ends from the Amsterdam event.
Welcome to polarised missives and glorified databases at the Amsterdam event.
The platformication of everything continues and large tech companies must be part of that process.
AI’s potential is discussed at the Amsterdam event.
Innovation benefits the entire ecosystem, states Visa Europe’s CEO.
Have fintech, will travel.
Set sail for fintech! The latest edition of our flagship magazine – Banking Technology – is out now, packed with news, analysis and insights, case studies, research and expert commentary.
Catch up on Banking Technology’s top five fintech stories of the week – all in one place!
For the finale of the final day of Money20/20 Europe, financial inclusion was discussed with resolute optimism for a bright future.
Denmark took a back seat at Money20/20 Europe as the lively fintech scenes in China and India fell under the spotlight with a wealth of information and stats.
The shift from analogues to digital – according to Michael Meyer, Middlegame Ventures, during a regtech discussion at Money20/20 Europe – a major European bank he spoke with files over 50,000 pages as part of its quarterley regulatory reporting.
The interest from the fintech community in APIs burns brighter than a thousand suns, but where will this technology and the spirit of open banking take us?
What is the future of banking? Is it a giant menu from which customers (individuals and businesses) choose who is to provide what contingent upon well-informed choice and best value. Or is it a model where banks still rule from the centre, providing customers the simplicity of a range of products through a single provider. Putting aside whether or not this highly competitive state is possible, which is the future direction of banking?
The second Payment Services Directive (PSD2) is creating more questions and issues than the answers it ultimately should offer.
Are trends eclectic for artificial intelligence (AI)? Perhaps not as the fintech world is getting more imaginative and calling for the machines to negotiate on behalf of less-than-objective humans. At this morning’s (26 June) sessions at Money20/20 in Copenhagen, the themes of AI use cases in financial services and fraud were discussed.