Augmented Reality/AR & Virtual Reality/VR

News, intelligence and resources on the global fintech industry including augmented reality/AR & virtual reality/VR.

Cartoon: All in

This new cartoon by Ian Foley illustrates the potential large bets many companies are now placing on AI.

Banking on the metaverse

Having a presence in the metaverse seems inevitable, and the best time to understand the possibilities is now.

Digital twins in the metaverse

As we rush headlong into virtual worlds in the metaverse, the concept of digital twins will become more conspicuous.

Virtual branching: how disruptive innovations are changing financial services

The ability to blend artificial intelligence (AI) and human interaction should resonate strongly with financial service organisations due to their need to be highly targeted and responsive. When you provide the right service to a consumer at the right time, you can affect their behaviour and give them the push needed to complete the purchase.

What does the new iPhone X mean for mobile banking?

Mobile banking is nothing without mobiles, and as Apple leads the way in innovation it provides opportunities for banks to do things differently too. So, with the launch of the iPhone X, what is next for mobile banking in a world that can’t get enough of phone upgrades?

Google chases down Apple with ARCore launch

Google has responded strongly to Apple’s front-running approach to augmented reality (AR) with the launch of a new AR platform, reports (Banking Technology‘s sister publication). ARCore is the Android equivalent to the Apple ARKit; in short, an AR reality platform for developers. It’s not the first time Google has had a crack at the […]

Worldpay marks the PoC for VR payments

Researchers at Worldpay are investigating how shoppers can pay using a credit or debit card while remaining within a virtual environment. As part of its real ambitions, the payments firm has created a proof of concept (PoC), with the aim to provide the “same levels of convenience, and security” that shoppers have in-store and online, […]

Will augmented reality transform banking?

There has been a lot of rumour and speculation recently, focused around the news that Apple is working on augmented reality (AR) as its next major product. Last year, we saw how fast the take up of AR could be with the introduction of Pokémon Go that became a massive international cultural phenomenon almost overnight. Banks need to prepare sooner rather than later if they are going to take advantage of AR and not be left behind.

Glance and trade: Swissquote introduces VR trading

Swiss online bank Swissquote has developed a virtual reality (VR) trading application that enables users make trades with a glance. The VR headset creates a 360° trading wall for users to monitor the markets.

Can banking “catch” the Pokémon bug?

Pokémon Go has taken the globe by storm, capturing the hearts and minds of adults and children alike in their endeavours to “catch ‘em all” in the latest version of the popular computer game, which builds cutting edge augmented reality (AR) technology into its original gameplay. What can banks learn from it?

Visa Europe unveils augmented reality payment tech

Visa Europe and its innovation hub, Visa Europe Collab, have teamed up with visual discovery and augmented reality app Blippar to bring augmented reality to payments. The new e-commerce solution, unveiled at a recent fashion show in London, enables designer garments to be instantly purchased straight off the backs of models. The pilot fashion brand […]