
Money 20/20 Europe: Collaborate not compete to defeat card fraud

Payment companies need to collaborate, not compete, when it comes to dealing with the threat of card fraud. At this morning’s (5 April) session, “Innovations in card not present fraud” at Money 20/20 in Copenhagen, a panel discussed the issue in a lively and quick chat. Present were moderator Andrew Jamieson, head of innovations, UL; […]

Banking Technology April 2016 issue out now

The latest edition of our flagship magazine – Banking Technology – is out now, packed with news, analysis and insights, case studies, research and expert commentary.

Smartphones? Credit cards are the most mobile payment method!

The world has been talking about “mobile payments” for years, but the phrase means different things to different people. So what exactly are mobile payments? And how much more mobile than cash or cards can payments actually get, asks Philipp Nieland, co-founder and CTO of PPRO Group. Some people believe that mobile payments are those […]

The United Bank of Egypt upgrades core software with Misys

A long-standing user of a host of Misys’ products, The United Bank of Egypt has committed to upgrade to the latest version of software. The project is penned for completion later this year. The bank will upgrade to FusionBanking Equation (core system), FusionBanking Trade Innovation (trade finance) and FusionCapital Opics (treasury and capital markets). It […]

Virtus Partners live with new lending platform from Misys

Texas-based asset administrator, Virtus Partners, has gone live with new back office lending system, FusionBanking LoanIQ, supplied by Misys. The new platform supports full-service agency administration and bank portfolio loan administration. It covers SME, commercial and syndicated lending. The contract was signed in November last year. The implementation work took around three months and came […]

Watch out EBA, Swift and Visa – here comes Masterlink!

MasterCard’s planned acquisition of VocaLink has the potential to create a new payments powerhouse in Europe and beyond. Tom Hay, head of payments, Icon Solutions, explores the possibilities. The news of the planned acquisition broke a few days after the Payment Systems Regulator’s (PSR) recommendation that banks divest their ownership of the company. I’m sure […]

Top fintech stories this week – 11 March 2016

Catch up on Banking Technology’s top five fintech stories of the week – all in one place! MasterCard mulls VocaLink acquisition There are some things money can buy. US to move to shorter T+2 settlement cycle by September 2017 Make a note, industry target has been unveiled. Big US banks to fight for instant payments […]

Challenger banks must strike the right balance between mobile and card

NFC mobile payments continue to grab headlines, but to really drive uptake and ensure full market coverage, combining contactless cards with next-gen mobile banking apps is surely the right way to go for 2016’s challenger banks, says Paul Underwood, MD of Thames Card Technology. Much has already been said about the opportunity for challenger banks to […]

Tuxedo launches world’s first “live load” payments platform

UK payments provider Tuxedo has launched a “live load” payments technology platform, which removes the need to prepay. The vendor says it is the world’s first. The platform is based upon a single, partner-issued Visa or MasterCard, which is linked to customers’ existing payment sources via Tuxedo’s own platform. The platform is PCIDSS (Payment Card […]

MasterCard mulls VocaLink acquisition

MasterCard could be buying the UK’s payments infrastructure, VocaLink, in a £1-billion acquisition, according to Sky News. Following the Payment Systems Regulator (PSR) telling banks last month that they should sell their stake in VocaLink to “help increase innovation and competition”, MasterCard is reportedly in talk with those banks. According to David Bannister, financial services […]

MasterCard targets rising number of false declines

MasterCard has unveiled its MasterCard IQ series that uses real-time intelligence to tackle fraud and the increasing number of false declines. The plan is for cardholders and merchants to see a reduced number of transactions unnecessarily declined, while maintaining the “highest levels” of security. Javelin Strategy & Research estimates that one out of every six […]

Trade Bank of Iraq upgrading Misys infrastructure

Trade Bank of Iraq (TBI) is working with core banking technology provider Misys to upgrade to develop a digital platform. Misys reports it has previously run two major projects with TBI in 2003 and 2009. The bank, claims to have introduced the market’s first ATM solutions and Visa and Mastercard offerings and is set to […]

Visa Developer opens up payments technology

Visa Developer, will offer software application developers will open access to Visa’a payments technology, products and services. The new Visa Developer platform is designed to help financial institutions, merchants, and technology companies meet the demands of consumers and merchants, who increasingly rely on connected devices to shop, pay and get paid. At launch, the new […]

Rob Binns to join Misys as chief financial officer

Financial software provider Misys has appointed Rob Binns as its chief financial officer. Binns joins Misys from HP where he was head of treasury and investor relations. He joined Hewlett-Packard in 2007 from Mercury Interactive and has held a number of senior finance positions in the company including VP Software Field Operations and VP Investor […]

Banks warned: digitise or die …

Retail banks often claim that customer service is their primary focus, but 75% of banks believe they haven’t concentrated efforts on improving it. Instead, annual reports focus on the financial results. Whether these two stories can become one remains to be seen, according to a new whitepaper by bank technology vendor Misys.

Commerzbank continues card processing contract with Worldline

Commerzbank has extended its existing credit card processing contract with Worldline for a further seven years. Since 1998 Wordline has provided the bank with an end-to-end processing service that includes complete processing of all the bank’s issued Visa and MasterCard cards.

Misys adds Islamic banking capabilities to platform

Banking technology vendor Misys has launched an Islamic banking platform called Misys FusionBanking Essence Islamic, as part of a plan to capitalise on the 17% annual growth in Islamic banking worldwide.

US lags on EMV card adoption as October deadline looms

EMV card usage is increasing almost everywhere in the world as a billion new EMV cards enter circulation – but the US continues to lag behind, despite the fact that liability shifts to the retailer from 15 October this year.

Digital Disruption: Customer-Driven Innovation in Retail Banking   Digital innovation is disrupting the retail banking industry worldwide. Many perceive the trailblazers to be the hot start-ups – creative, legacy-free, pioneering the latest digital and analytics technologies. But established ‘traditional’ banks have the opportunity to reinvent or reinvigorate their brands in the digital world – with an already captive audience and decades […]

Monitise deepens ties with partners to raise £49 million

Monitise plans to raise £49.2 million through extensions of its relationships with Santander, Telefónica and MasterCard. The money raised will be used to ‘support the development and accelerated roll-out of its global platform capabilities’.

Should banks consider domestic payments schemes?

Domestic card schemes have traditionally partnered with MasterCard and/or Visa in an arrangement that leaves the domestic player handling the local transactions and their international partner facilitating and controlling the international business. Should banks work with both or just partner with one of the international schemes?

Online transactions to touch $5 trillion in four years’ time

The annual transaction value of online, mobile and contactless payments will nearly double over the next four years, reaching $4.7 trillion by 2019, up from just over $2.5 trillion this year, with contactless payments primarily driven by card purchases rather than mobile.

Small financial institutions must face the mobile challenge

As contactless and mobile payment methods continue to grow, building societies and other financial institutions need to avoid being complacent about new technology, according to senior delegates speaking at the BSA annual conference in Manchester this week.

Mobile payment security will depend on using the ‘smart’ in smartphone

Confusion and concern over security is cited over and over again as the biggest barrier to widespread consumer uptake of mobile payments. And no wonder – confidence in the protection of sensitive cardholder data lies at the heart of trust in this technology. An EMV card as a physical asset is cryptographically secure. How can we emulate this security with something that is virtual?