A beginner’s guide to developing a successful fintech app
How to avoid the common pitfalls and obstacles in developing a winning fintech application.
How to avoid the common pitfalls and obstacles in developing a winning fintech application.
Many famous faces have decorated our notes over the years, but just like the cheque, cold, hard cash is living on borrowed time.
With two thirds of people now owning a smartphone in the UK, demand is high amongst consumers to have connectivity at their fingertips. Add to this the fact that 39% of adults have at least one banking-based app, and it presents a real opportunity for banks to serve engaging content to the many consumers who are […]
A new app-based social network that uses gamification concepts to train traders and help them to hone their skills has been launched by a former Deutsche Bank trader.
A new payments service aims to change the way banks, merchants and payments providers interact with each other by using cloud technology.